Thursday, January 8, 2009

Thursday Thirteen #3

Thirteen New Books I Plan To Read This Year

13. Sabrina Jeffries' The Forbidden Lord
12. Liz Carlyl's Never Lie to a Lady
11. Stephen King's On Writing
10. Catherine Coulter's Wizard's Daughter
9. Nicole Jordan's To Seduce a Bride
8. Nicole Jordan's To Bed a Beauty
7. Sabrina Jeffries' Untitled Work about Lucy Seton
6. Sabrina Jeffries' Untitled Work about Cousin Michael
5. Donald Maass' Breakout Novel
4. Saul David's Prince of Pleasure
3. Ian Kelly's biography of Antonin Careme
2. Linda Berdoll's Mr. Darcy Takes a Wife
1. Kat Martin's The Summit


  1. I've heard Stephen King's "On Writing" is just amazing!!! I think it's awesome that he shares his expertise, you know?

  2. Stephen King's On Writing IS amazing! :) I haven't read the others yet, so I'll check them out! Book tips are always welcome!
    Thanks for visiting my TT! :)

  3. Isn't it funny - here I am the 3rd person commenting on the King selection! It is on my To Read list - someone on Goodreads recommended it - said it was interesting and funny - and probably not scary.

  4. Yes, I have a few friends in the writing world who have been after me to read it for two years, LOL! I got it for Christmas last year and didn't end up getting as far into my TBR pile as I inteded...but this year, I WILL read it!
